Ministers on the Move: A Pastor's Guide to Relocation

Ministers on the Move: A Pastor's Guide to Relocation

Moving is hard and stressful and expensive. I’ve heard horror stories over the years that you will want to avoid. Recently, a colleague of mine was called to a new church over 900 miles from her current pastorate. Anticipating the move, she posted on Facebook: “Friends who have done a cross-country move: What…do you recommend? Any tips on what to do or NOT to do?” Seventy-two comments later, here is a collection of social learning to help ministers on the move, ten tips to help pastors navigate relocation.

Social Media Graphics for Holy Week, Year A

Social Media Graphics for Holy Week, Year A

Use these open source graphics in your church communications - email, social media, text, or newsletter - during Holy Week. Pastors can download these Bible graphics and send them to on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to church members, elected leaders, Sunday school teachers, etc. These Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) Scripture references are taken from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible.

Social Media Graphics for the Sixth Sunday in Lent, Year A (Palm Sunday / Passion Sunday)

Social Media Graphics for the Sixth Sunday in Lent, Year A (Palm Sunday / Passion Sunday)

Pastors and church leaders are welcomed to use these open source graphics in your church communications - email, social media, text, or newsletter - leading up to Palm or Passion Sunday, the Sixth Sunday in Lent. These Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) Scripture references are taken from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible.