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Clergy Resume Checklist

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’ve not dusted off your resume in a while and you’re about to enter the liminal space of searching for a new ministry position. The good news is that resumes have not changed that much since you submitted yours last time. The bad news is that you’ve probably not kept your resume up-to-date. Hopefully, with the help of this trusty checklist you’ll be ready to apply for that ministry job and submit your resume in no time. (For help with the dreaded cover letter, Greenfields has a template just for you.)

This clergy resume checklist will help ministers of all experience levels make a great first impression! You will need to pay close attention to your overall presentation, structure, language, and approach to the search and call process. Before you begin, it’s important NOT to tailor your resume to a particular position, organization, or church because your resume should reflect the breadth and depth of your skills, aptitude, and experience. You should, however, tailor your cover letter directly to the position and church/organization to which you are applying. Remember: your resume is the reference point for your cover letter and your cover letter should be written to compel the search team to read and review your resume.

Here is the clergy resume checklist:


  • Has my resume been updated since my last search?

  • Does my resume look clean and attractive as a whole document?

  • Does my resume layout and template reflect my style?

  • Does my resume visually invite people to read it?

  • Are my headings distinguishable?

  • Are my sub-headings clear?

  • Is my spacing, punctuation, and style uniform?

  • Is my font and font size legible?

  • Does my resume read logically?


  • Are my sections relevant?

  • Is my most recent information listed first? (Use reverse chronological order.)

  • Did I include my education as a header?

  • Have I deleted my high school diploma?

  • Did I include “Ministry Experience” as a header?

  • Are my compelling quantifiable metrics listed?

  • Did I include my ordination?

  • Did I include my significant honors, awards, and certifications?

  • Did I include applicable links to my published works and sermons?

  • Did I include 3-5 exceptional references under “References”?

  • Have I deleted the “References Available Upon Request” copy?


  • Did I use past tense for positions I no longer hold?

  • Am I using present, active tense for positions I still hold?

  • Have I used summary phrases instead of complete sentences?

  • Did I remove all personal pronouns? (Other than my preferred pronouns.)

  • Do my bullet points begin with a unique action verb? (Try not to duplicate verbs.)

  • Is my strongest bullet point listed first?

  • Have I deleted or paraphrased duplicate bullet points?

  • Did I use capitalization and punctuation properly and consistently?

  • Is my grammar and syntax correct?

  • Did I read my resume backwards and forwards to proofread?

  • Are my acronyms spelled out?


  • Did I include my name, current mailing address, phone number, and email at the top?

  • Is my name on each numbered page?

  • Is the information on my resume true and accurate?

  • Are my beginning and ending dates correct?

  • Is my cover letter queued up and ready to be personalized?

  • Do I have my “brag sheet” of talking points to send my references?

  • Have my references been contacted and given a copy of my resume and brag sheet?

  • Have I duplicated my resume onto my digital footprint?

  • Have I written my autobiographical information that will be used for press releases?

  • Does my professional photo head shot match the position for which I am applying?

  • Does my resume convey my experience, skills, and giftedness for ministry as a whole?


  • Have I emailed my resume to Craig Janney at Greenfields Church Consulting?

  • created my ministerial profile with my denomination?

  • Have I introduced myself to local denominational leaders?

  • Have I bookmarked the classifieds sections that post ministry jobs?

  • Am I networking with pastors in my area?

  • Have I contacted my theological school Alma Mater?

  • Have I attended my denomination’s annual gatherings?

  • Did I read and complete this checklist?

What else would you include on this clergy resume checklist? Use the comments section to help us build a more exhaustive guide.

Also, Greenfields would be glad to review your resume and cover letter. For more information and pricing, contact Craig Janney.