Your church needs a coach to help you discern options with added perspectives.


Feed-forward coaching helps you focus less on changing the past, which cannot be undone, and more on addressing the present to affect the future. We help guide you from to-do to “ta-da” with questions to help your church make progress.

Greenfields offers churches the following feed-forward coaching options:

o   Pastor Search and Call – Monthly video calls to help your pastor search committee transform into a team and discern whom to call as your next leader with the added benefits of church and pastor profile design, resume referrals, job postings, and more!

o   Weekly Intensive – Weekly video calls to guide lay leaders toward a time-sensitive, quarterly goal. The Weekly Intensive package keeps your committee focused on completing a specific project like reviewing and rewriting by-laws, creating or updating the personnel manual, setting church-wide safety or sanctuary policies, or planning a big event.

o   Annual Adjustment – Monthly video calls to keep you focused on your long-term outcomes. Making significant change should not be done in silence or silos. With the Annual Adjustment, Greenfields walks the long road beside congregational leaders to provide wise counsel, anticipate disruptions, and embody Good Shepherd leadership throughout the journey.

o   Half-Year Alignment – Monthly video calls to align you with your stated goals. Whether you’re starting a small group, looking to add a mid-week service, or break through a plateau, Greenfields will keep you focused and accountable for the next six months.


Contact us to talk about your needs and goals, discuss pricing, and schedule your first coaching session!
