Searching for a ministry position is unlike a typical job search.


Discerning whether to stay put or pursue possibilities takes a lot of work. Having a confidential guide to assist you through the search process with best practice counsel and recommend you to search committees is vital.

With Greenfields, ministers – like you – find empathy and advocacy as you listen for the Holy Spirit to bring clarity to your next steps. Our encouragement and feed-forward coaching throughout your search and call process helps ease the stress that significant change creates.

We’ve assisted over 1,300 ministers and over 700 churches with their search needs. Greenfields has the experience and network to help you! How can you take advantage of Greenfields’ resume referral service? Simple. Email a copy of your current resume to and schedule your introductory call. Given the sensitive nature of ministerial search, confidentiality is assured. Don’t worry, you won’t have to fill out another ministerial profile.

Greenfields takes seriously the call of God on your life and is committed to enhancing diversity within congregation life. Greenfields does not discriminate.

Look at our feed-forward coaching options if you’d like to maximize your search efforts throughout the search and call process. There is absolutely no obligation or pay-to-play expectation for ministers who only wish to keep their resume active with Greenfields.

Resume Writing
Pastoral Installation Service
Behind the Pulpit.jpg