At the core of Greenfields is a deep-seeded commitment to generosity, accountability, mutuality, encouragement, results, hospitality, integrity, and transparency.


We believe in God’s irrational abundance. Since God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, we also know that God owns the hills, too. We are not scared to share.


We believe in honoring God with what we do and how we do it. Taking extreme ownership of our actions is the only responsible way of doing business.


We believe that God created all women and men as equals. Respecting the competencies and commitments of partners helps us share the risks and rewards of ministry.


We believe in building others up according to their needs. We would rather encourage the wrong person than discourage the right one. Inexhaustible support – that’s us.


We believe that every tree is known by its own fruit. Although change is inevitable, progress only happens with focus and investment. Our upshot is built on our outcomes.


We believe that by showing hospitality to strangers we have entertained God’s messengers without knowing it. Our radical welcome means you will be treated as Christ Jesus in our midst.


We believe in telling the truth no matter what. Our unwavering attitude toward honesty with tact makes us trustworthy. If we ever lose trust, we’ve lost more than a job.


We believe Jesus is God made flesh and that we are part of the Body of Christ. As visible expressions of an invisible God, we will lead by serving, live by loving, and let our light shine before others, that they may see our good works and glorify God in heaven.